
Rabu, 13 April 2016









I.  Introduction
A.    Background of the Study
             Writing skill is a very important in life, not only in education but also very important in people’s life. Writing skill is a very important because it is one of language skills which must be owned by the students. By writing students can reveal or express their ideas or opinions, thoughts, and feelings that are owned.
            Writing skill is one of the language skills learned by students at school. Through writing skills, students are required to be creative and active in thinking and active in expressing its ideas into written language. According to Solehan, et al (2008: 9), the ability to write is not a capability that is obtained automatically. According to Solehan (2008: 9) explains that the ability to write one's not innate, but rather acquired through acts of learning. Related to the way the acquisition of writing skills, someone who has gained teaching of writing does not necessarily have the competence to write reliably without a lot of practice writing.
            Now, many people learning to write descriptions doing with the conventionally. In this sense that students are given a written description of the theory and then the students see examples and finally the students were assigned to create a paragraph. Therefore, the situation of learning about the writing skill would make students feel bored. Therefore, the use of the method of this field trip was made due to the students in receiving the teaching of writing yet to get an understanding. Field trip to the method applied in writing class aims for younger students in obtaining ideas. This method is also used as a means to choose the title of the proposal “The Use of Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) in Teaching Writing Skill of the Students English Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta”. In this study, Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) in teaching writing skill to teach the students of 2nd semester English department.
            This Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) method will be more appealing because students can walk and study tour to visiting the beautiful sights and interesting. Then, after their study tour and see what they see and feel the students of 2nd semester have to write and to make the writing of scientific papers. With them to make this scientific work we can see some of their writings of various kinds. Although not all students write well and correctly it would make students more experience in writing.

                B. Scope of the Study
    Scope of the study means the range of focus covered by this study. This investigation is limited to the process of Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) in teaching writing skill on the Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta in Academic year 2014/2015. In this case the visiting the place and kinds of transportation by bus and the others took the pictures in to the materials the student ability acquiring new writing skill. Especially on the one skill of learning English such as writing skill.

C.    Problem Statements
            Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the problems of the study as follows:
1. How is the procedure of Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) to teach writing skills in 2nd students English Department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta?
2. What are the strengths and weakness in the use of the method of Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) to teach in 2nd students English Department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta?

     D. Objectives of the Study
            1. To describe procedure of Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) to teach writing skills in 2nd students English Department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta and with the procedure make students feel happy and enthusiastic to join this activity is not as usual is just sitting in class only.
            2. To find the strength and weakness of this technique is to carry out field trips students can gain direct experience of the object it saw can be responsible, but of course there are the strengths and weakness in the use of the method of Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) to teach in 2nd students English Department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.

E.Significance of the Study
            The writer hopes that this research will have some benefits in the English teaching-learning process, especially in teaching-learning writing. There are two kinds of benefits in this research, theoretical and practical. It is as follow:
1.      Theoretical Benefits:
                        Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) is journey understand by learners to acquire learning experience. While field trip rather than as a special learning meaningful tourism activities in general. Field trip means was out of school classes to learn. In other words, a field is a learning method that is performed by the students on a visit a particular place or object outside of school to learn something like that or investigations show in a shoe, factory, a car repair shop, trade and others.
2.      Practical Benefits
      This study aims to improve writing skills. To find out how the application method on a Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) learn to write. Is the trip method can in teaching writing skills? The benefits of research, among others:
1.      For teacher or lecturer
Hopefully, the result could be used as one way to improve students’ writing skills through methods of field trip. The teacher can apply various techniques in teaching field trip so that the students are motivated and interested to learn more and more.
2.      For students
The writer hopes that the students are motivated in learning field trip interesting technique and they can enhance their writing so they are able to expand the other skills of English. This study can encourage students English Department to conduct further research to conduct further research on how to develop students writing skill through field trips.
3.      For English department
The writer hopes that the result of this study can be useful for the school in implementation of various techniques in teaching English and being consideration to be implemented by the teacher based on the curriculum used in the school.
4.      For other researchers
Hopefully, the result of this study can be used as reference and guidance in conducting research, especially research on teaching field trip. This can be a reference to determine the capability and errors in writing a text description of the student.
II. Underlying Theory
A.    Previous Study
     The first research by Susanto (2006) in her little of research is “The use of Diary in Teaching Writing Skill of the Students of SMA N 1 Jekulo Kudus”. She observed the teacher in writing with cause by classroom activities, used the picture as the media in teaching writing to the students, and limited times in teaching process.
                        The second research by Lina (2011) entitled Teaching Writing         Trough Guided Method to the Eight Grade    Students of the state SMPN   15 Palembang in 2010/2011 Academic Year”. In her research, she discussed interaction between teacher and students in writing class. The other hand, she described types and characteristic of interaction.
                    My research is The use of Learning English Field Trip (LEFT) in Teaching Writing Skill of the Students English Department of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta”. From the previous researches, we have same    field on discuss, which is in writing hot we are different in discussing aspect. Here, my research is focus on process teaching and learning via field trip, how to teaching learning writing in class, and techniques of teacher to teach the students.

B. Theoritical Review
1. The Notion of Writing
            According to Radjiman (2001:270) “Writing is functional communication, making learners possible to create imagined worlds of their own.” Writing as one of four language skills is considered as a difficult skill because the writer should make some aspects in writing such as content, organization, purpose, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling. Writing is the activity or occupation of writing, for example books, stories, or articles. We can take more times to think and choose words in order to express our idea, thought, and feeling. We can still make editing or revision if it is not so clear to express what intends to write. Writing is a progressive activity. The after you have finished writing, you have read over what you have written and make changes and corrections.
            Therefore, writing is never a one step actions, it is a process that has several steps. Writing is a discovery process that involves discovering ideas, how to organize them and what that you want to put over to your order, so a lot of what a writer does as a writer doesn’t actually appear on page. It is a means of communication whenever the writer want to write, he has to knowing the audience or reader, it will help in teaching the goal of communicating clearly and effectively.
            Communication in writing tends to involve a thinking process because writing requires the process because writing requires the process of selecting and organizing ideas. It means that writing is a way to produce language that comes from our thought. In the writing process, the writer tries to developing their ideas and feelings to produce into a good sentence, in order to inform the other.

2. The Concept of Writing
            According to Oshima and Hogue (1983: 2) state that a paragraph writing is a basic unit organization in writing in which a group of related sentences develops one main idea. They further explain that three major structural parts of paragraph of: the topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence. It can be said that writing is: (1) a. the act of one who writes, b. the act, practice, or occupation of literary composition. (2) a. a written letter or words, b. a written or printed, notice, document (3) Composition in specific manner or for a specific purpose.
3.      Types of Writing
            The type of writing system which exists in the native language is a important factor in determining to easy of speech with which students learn to write. There are two types of writing.
1.      Practical Writing
This type deals with the fact and functional writing. It is purposed to special goal that we can find it in letters, papers, summaries, outlines, essays, etc.
2.      Creative or Imaginary Writing
This type usually exists in literature. Such as novel, romance, poem, short story, science fiction, etc.
4.      The Strategies of Teaching Writing
            Writing is the activity of creating pieces of written work, such as stories, poems, or articles. Thinking is the basic of writing. Writing is a complex process that allows writers to explore thought and ideas. Writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile form. Writing systems use sets of symbols to represent the sounds of speech, and may also have symbols for such things as punctuation and numerals. Writing strategist expands, extend, and elaborate. Text is conventional form for organizing messages in a structured way that the purposes of the participants in the communication. Field trip is a learning that tells us about activities what happened in series of events in vacation.
            Field trip can be the students enjoy and happiness to doing the activities. Therefore, every student everywhere sure wants to interesting studying. Like a field trip it is makes their enjoyable and suitable to express and writing every activities their do. In the era, the students of course always want to the new idea. This method like studying via field trip so there are can be doing the activities and explore the writing.

5.      Method of Field Trip
                 Field trip can be interpreted as a field trip or a field visit. According to Roesiyah (2001:85) state that the method field trip as a method of teaching that is done by getting students to a place or object outside of school to learn or investigate something interesting. According to Sagala (2006:214) state that field trip method is a method of learning of the students under the guidance of teachers visiting certain places with the intent to learn. A method of field trip in writing is a description technique that can allow students to pour ideas into written form.

                 Advantages of the methods field trip:
1.      Improve the quality of teaching writing student, marked by the emergence of active students in following the teaching of writing skills.
2.      Streamline the student in learning (active asking, or provide feedback).
3.      Easier for students to pour ideas into written form.
4.      Students can obtain direct experience of the object the saw. By looking at objects directly, the imagination of the students will also be developed.
5.      Students more comfortable and happy when learning takes places.  Disadvantages of the methods field trip:
1.             Takes a long time.
2.             Cost quite a lot.
3.             Teacher requires extra energy to guide students.

III. Research Method
A. Type of the Research
            In this research the writer uses descriptive qualitative method to produce the types of writing skill and describe the data. The writer also describes field trip used in writing skill.
            This research has been told for the purpose of understanding the phenomena of field trip in teaching writing skill. Due to the purpose of the research the writers determine this research uses of qualitative method.
            The descriptive qualitative research which is uses qualitative research and the result of analysis will be presented descriptively to answer the question in the formulation of the problems.

B.     Data and Data Source
      The data in this research are in the form of note, containing field trip made by students of writing skill class during the lesson. The data are taken when the subject of the research writing skill class P, Q, R, and S have their lesson; each class of writing skill is approximately attended by 40 students. The total number of students of writing class is 140.
C.    Method of Collecting Data
      Data collection becomes the most important part of this research.
There are four major in method of collecting data in qualitative researcher, covers, observation analyzing text, interview, and the last recording and transcription.

D.    Data Analysis
      The data are analyzed through classification and categories of the data. Data analysis is a simplification process of data into more simple from which is easy to be interpreted. This study uses descriptive analysis method.
            In analyzing data had been collected, the researcher uses descriptive qualitative research. As using this technique, the researcher collects data, arranges data and presents the qualitative method is kind of research without using any calculation or statistic procedure. (Silver, 1999:5)

E.     Data Credibility
            According to Sugiono (2012) state that a test of confidence in the credibility of the data or data from qualitative research among others, by the extension of the observation, increase the persistence, triangulation, analysis of negative cases, use of reference materials, and held member check.







                        Satuan Pendidikan                : SD N 4 SRAGEN
                        Mata Pelajaran                      : Bahasa Inggris
                        Kelas/Semester                      : I / I
                        Aspek                                     : Speaking Skill
                        Tema                                      : Today is Sunday
                        Alokasi Waktu                       : 1 x 15 menit

A.    Standar Kompetensi:
1.      Berkomunikasi secara lisan dalam wacana yang sederhana yang disajikan dalam suasana bermain secara fisik atau/dan verbal.
B.     Kompetensi Dasar:
1.2  Kemampuan mengucapkan dengan benar kata atau frasa yang telah diajarkan.
Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi:
1.      Siswa mampu mengucapkan nama-nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris dengan tepat dan benar.
2.      Siswa mampu menjawab pertanyaan berkaitan dengan nama-nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris dengan benar.
3.      Siswa dapat menjodohkan nama hari dalam bahasa inggris dengan benar.
C.    Tujuan Pembelajaran:
1.    Memberikan respon terkait materi (nama-nama hari).
2.    Siswa dapat menyebutkan contoh nama-nama hari.
3.    Siswa dapat berbicara dengan intonasi yang tepat.
                   Karakter peserta didik yang diharapkan:
1.    Respect
2.    Diligence
                   D. Materi Pembelajaran:
                  There are seven days in a week.
Fonetik (Phonetic Transcription)

1.      What day is it today?(Hari apa hari ini?)
Answer: It is Thursday.(Hari Kamis)
2.      What day of the ceremony?(Hari apa upacara?)
Answer: Monday.(Senin)

E.     Metode Pembelajaran
Latihan berbicara, menjawab pertanyaan terkait nama-nama hari, bernyanyi dan bermain menjodohkan.
F.     Media/Sumber
Daftar nama-nama hari/buku pegangan siswa An English Book For Elementary Schools.
G.     Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1.      Kegiatan Pendahuluan (2 menit)
-          Guru memulai kelas dengan sapaan.
-          Guru mengkondisikan kelas sembari mengecek kehadiran siswa.
-          Guru mengulas kembali materi pertemuan yang lalu.
-          Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk masuk ke dalam pembelajaran dengan mengajukan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan materi: Do you know the days of the week?
2.      Kegiatan Inti (11 menit)
-          Guru menunjukkan tulisan senin dan berkata “Monday”.
-          Guru meminta siswa untuk mengulangi apa yang ia katakan.
-          Masih menunjukkan tulisan “Monday” dan sambil memberi gerakan menunjuk, guru berkata “Monday” dan siswa mengikutinya (lakukan kegiatan ini sampai siswa benar-benar mengenali kosakata nama-nama hari (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
-          Guru bertanya kepada murid terkait nama hari tertentu.
-          Guru mengajak siswa untuk bernyanyi terkait tema nama hari.
-          Guru menyuruh siswa mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut secara bergiliran sampai seluruh siswa mendapat giliran. Apabila siswa masih salah dalam mengucapkan kata tersebut, berilah contoh kembali dengan mengucapkan kata-kata tersebut dengan benar.
-          Guru membuat kelompok 1 kelompok 3 orang maju kedepan menjodohkan nama hari sesuai artinya.
-          Guru mengapresiasi hasil kerja siswa.
3.      Kegiatan Penutup (2 menit)
-          Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan belajar hari ini.
-          Guru memberi PR.
-          Guru dan siswa menutup pertemuan.
                                                                                       Kartasura,   07 April 2016
 Kepala Sekolah                                                             Guru Mata Pelajaran

(Hepy Adityarini M.A., Ph.D)                                      (Mei Intan Permatasari)
 NIP.                                                                               NIM. A320130079
H.    Penilaian dan Teknik Penilaian
Menyanyi nama-nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris

Pekerjaan Rumah (homework)
Contoh = S-U-N-D-A-Y = SUNDAY
1.      M-O-N-D-A-Y = …
2.      T-U-E-S-D-A-Y = …
3.      W-E-D-N-E-S-D-A-Y = …
4.      T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y = …
5.      F-R-I-D-A-Y = …

Penilaian Speaking Skill
Baik dan cekatan
Cukup baik
Kurang baik
Tidak bisa
    Nilai Maximal = 4